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Department of Probability Theory,
and Actuarial Mathematics

Mechanics and Mathematics

Tel/Fax: +38 (044) 431 04 67



Course nameSpecialityYear of studyLecturer
Discrete mathematics and combinatorial analysis Statistics Bachelor - 1Ianevych Tetiana
Financial analysisStatistics Bachelor - 1Golomozi Vitalii
Theory of FinanceStatistics Bachelor - 2Golomozi Vitalii
Probability TheoryMathematics Mechanics Bachelor - 2Bodnarchuk Iryna
Discrete Probability Spaces Statistics Bachelor - 2Borysenko Oleksandr
Probability TheoryMathematics Bachelor - 2Moklyachuk Mikhail
Probability Theory Mathematics Bachelor - 2Miroshnychenko Vitaliy
Interactive business games Middle education (Mathematics)Bachelor - 2Zubchenko Volodymyr
Mathematical Statistics with elements of stochastic processesMathematics Bachelor - 3Shevchenko Georgiy
Computer statisticsMiddle education (Mathematics)Bachelor - 3Miroshnychenko Vitaliy
Machine Learning Algorithms Statistics Bachelor - 3
Mathematical Statistics with elements of stochastic processesMathematics Bachelor - 3
Machine Learning Algorithms Middle education (Mathematics)Bachelor - 3Manikin Boris
Machine Learning AlgorithmsMathematics Bachelor - 3Golomozi Vitalii
Combinatorial methods in probability theoryMathematics Bachelor - 3Knopova Victoria
Machine Learning AlgorithmsStatistics Bachelor - 3Miroshnychenko Vitaliy
Machine Learning AlgorithmsStatistics Bachelor - 3Avetisian Diana
Probability theoryStatistics Bachelor - 3Shevchenko Georgiy
Methods of economic calculationStatistics Bachelor - 3Borysenko Oleksandr
Theory of choice and desicion makingStatistics Bachelor - 3Yamnenko Rostyslav
Machine Learning AlgorithmsMiddle education (Mathematics)Bachelor - 3Miroshnychenko Vitaliy
Mathematical foundations of life insurance and actuarial risk-managementStatistics Bachelor - 3Zubchenko Volodymyr
Probability TheoryMathematics Bachelor - 3Ianevych Tetiana
Probability TheoryStatistics Bachelor - 3Bodnarchuk Iryna
Descriptive statistics of multidimensional data Statistics Bachelor - 3Maiboroda Rostislav
Mathematical Statistics Statistics Bachelor - 3Knopova Victoria
Mathematical Statistics with elements of stochastic processesStatistics Bachelor - 3Bodnarchuk Iryna
Mathematical frontiers of non-life insurance and business-modelling Statistics Bachelor - 3Zubchenko Volodymyr
Probability Theory Mathematics Bachelor - 3Knopova Victoria
Probability Theory Statistics Bachelor - 3Ianevych Tetiana
Applied statistical methods of calculationStatistics Bachelor - 3Yamnenko Rostyslav
Theory of random processes. Research Seminar on Stochastic AnalysisMathematics Bachelor - 4Knopova Victoria
Actuarial MathematicsStatistics Bachelor - 4Yamnenko Rostyslav
Wavelet analysis and its Statistical Applications. Stochastic AnalysisStatistics Bachelor - 4Mishura Yuliya
Computer statisticsStatistics Bachelor - 4Bodnarchuk Iryna
Advanced topics of Mathematical Statistics Mathematics Bachelor - 4Knopova Victoria
Theory of random processesStatistics Bachelor - 4Mishura Yuliya
Planning sample surveys Statistics Bachelor - 4Ianevych Tetiana
Advanced topics of probability theory Mathematics Bachelor - 4Knopova Victoria
Wavelet analysis and its Statistical Applications. Stochastic analysisStatistics Bachelor - 4Zhelezniak Hanna
Probability TheoryMathematics / Correspondence DepartmentBachelor - 4Bodnarchuk Iryna
Computer statistics Statistics Bachelor - 4Maiboroda Rostislav
Regression analysis and asymptotical statisticsStatistics Bachelor - 4Maiboroda Rostislav
Mathematical Statistics with elements of stochastic processesMathematics / Correspondence DepartmentBachelor - 5Shevchenko Georgiy
Mathematical Statistics with elements of stochastic processesMathematics / Correspondence DepartmentBachelor - 5Bodnarchuk Iryna
Wavelet analysisMathematics / Correspondence DepartmentBachelor - 5Yamnenko Rostyslav
Computer statistics Statistics Master - 1Maiboroda Rostislav
Computer StatisticsMathematics Master - 1Maiboroda Rostislav
Statistical methods in non-life insuranceMathematics / Correspondence DepartmentMaster - 1Zubchenko Volodymyr
Statistical methods in non-life insuranceStatistics Master - 1Zubchenko Volodymyr
Financial MathematicsStatistics Master - 1Mishura Yuliya
Stochastic analysisStatistics Master - 1Knopova Victoria
Survey sampling Statistics Master - 1Ianevych Tetiana
Methods of teaching mathematics and statistics in higher education Statistics Master - 1Yamnenko Rostyslav
Survey samplingStatistics / Correspondence DepartmentMaster - 1Ianevych Tetiana
Mathematics of FinanceMathematics Master - 1Shevchenko Georgiy
Statistics of Stochastic ProcessesStatistics Master - 1Mishura Yuliya
Numerical methods of statistics Statistics Master - 1Dzeverin Igor
Operation researchMathematics Master - 1Moklyachuk Mikhail
Mathematical economics Mathematics Master - 1Borysenko Oleksandr
Mathematics of FinanceMathematics Master - 1Ianevych Tetiana
Nonconvex analysis and optimizationStatistics Master - 1Moklyachuk Mikhail
Nonparametric statisticsStatistics Master - 1Maiboroda Rostislav
Mathematical methods of macroeconomic theory and risk-managementMathematics Master - 1Zubchenko Volodymyr
Survey samplingMathematics Master - 1Ianevych Tetiana
Mathematics ²IMathematics Master - 1Borysenko Oleksandr
Statistical methods in non-life insuranceMathematics Master - 1Zubchenko Volodymyr
Models of survival Mathematics / Correspondence DepartmentMaster - 1Borysenko Oleksandr
Models of survivalMathematics Master - 1Borysenko Oleksandr
Mathematical methods of macroeconomic theory and risk-managementMathematics / Correspondence DepartmentMaster - 1Zubchenko Volodymyr
Statistical methods in non-life insuranceMathematics / Correspondence DepartmentMaster - 1Zubchenko Volodymyr
Mathematical economicsStatistics Master - 1Borysenko Oleksandr
Methods of teaching mathematics and statistics in higher educationMathematics Master - 2Yamnenko Rostyslav
Random processes in finance and insurance Mathematics / Correspondence DepartmentMaster - 2Mishura Yuliya
Financial analysisMathematics / Correspondence DepartmentMaster - 2Golomozi Vitalii
Statistical learning algorithms Statistics Master - 2Golomozi Vitalii
Operation researchMathematics Master - 2Yamnenko Rostyslav
Game TheoryMathematics Master - 2Moklyachuk Mikhail
Nonparametric statisticsMathematics Master - 2Maiboroda Rostislav
Scientific seminar in mathematical economics and econometricsMathematics Master - 2Borysenko Oleksandr
Simulation of random processes. Diffusion processes, LévyMathematics Master - 2Knopova Victoria
Research Seminar on StatisticsStatistics Master - 2Mishura Yuliya
Nonlinear time seriesStatistics Master - 2Shklyar Sergiy
Optimal stochastic control in actuarial mathematicsMathematics / Correspondence DepartmentMaster - 2Shevchenko Georgiy
Wavelet analysis with statistical applicationStatistics Master - 2Yamnenko Rostyslav
Statistical analysis of multidimensional dataStatistics Master - 2Maiboroda Rostislav
Markov processes in actuarial mathematicsActuarial and Financial Mathematics Master - 2
Studies in statisticsStatistics Ph.D. - 1Maiboroda Rostislav
Asymptotic analysis of statistical algorithms perfomanceStatistics Ph.D. - 2Maiboroda Rostislav