Department of Probability Theory,
and Actuarial Mathematics
Mechanics and Mathematics
Tel/Fax: +38 (044) 431 04 67
Course name | Speciality | Year of study | Lecturer |
Discrete mathematics and combinatorial analysis | Statistics | Bachelor - 1 | Ianevych Tetiana |
Financial analysis | Statistics | Bachelor - 1 | Golomozi Vitalii |
Theory of Finance | Statistics | Bachelor - 2 | Golomozi Vitalii |
Probability Theory | Mathematics Mechanics | Bachelor - 2 | Bodnarchuk Iryna |
Discrete Probability Spaces | Statistics | Bachelor - 2 | Borysenko Oleksandr |
Probability Theory | Mathematics | Bachelor - 2 | Moklyachuk Mikhail |
Probability Theory | Mathematics | Bachelor - 2 | Miroshnychenko Vitaliy |
Interactive business games | Middle education (Mathematics) | Bachelor - 2 | Zubchenko Volodymyr |
Mathematical Statistics with elements of stochastic processes | Mathematics | Bachelor - 3 | Shevchenko Georgiy |
Computer statistics | Middle education (Mathematics) | Bachelor - 3 | Miroshnychenko Vitaliy |
Machine Learning Algorithms | Statistics | Bachelor - 3 | |
Mathematical Statistics with elements of stochastic processes | Mathematics | Bachelor - 3 | |
Machine Learning Algorithms | Middle education (Mathematics) | Bachelor - 3 | Manikin Boris |
Machine Learning Algorithms | Mathematics | Bachelor - 3 | Golomozi Vitalii |
Combinatorial methods in probability theory | Mathematics | Bachelor - 3 | Knopova Victoria |
Machine Learning Algorithms | Statistics | Bachelor - 3 | Miroshnychenko Vitaliy |
Machine Learning Algorithms | Statistics | Bachelor - 3 | Avetisian Diana |
Probability theory | Statistics | Bachelor - 3 | Shevchenko Georgiy |
Methods of economic calculation | Statistics | Bachelor - 3 | Borysenko Oleksandr |
Theory of choice and desicion making | Statistics | Bachelor - 3 | Yamnenko Rostyslav |
Machine Learning Algorithms | Middle education (Mathematics) | Bachelor - 3 | Miroshnychenko Vitaliy |
Mathematical foundations of life insurance and actuarial risk-management | Statistics | Bachelor - 3 | Zubchenko Volodymyr |
Probability Theory | Mathematics | Bachelor - 3 | Ianevych Tetiana |
Probability Theory | Statistics | Bachelor - 3 | Bodnarchuk Iryna |
Descriptive statistics of multidimensional data | Statistics | Bachelor - 3 | Maiboroda Rostislav |
Mathematical Statistics | Statistics | Bachelor - 3 | Knopova Victoria |
Mathematical Statistics with elements of stochastic processes | Statistics | Bachelor - 3 | Bodnarchuk Iryna |
Mathematical frontiers of non-life insurance and business-modelling | Statistics | Bachelor - 3 | Zubchenko Volodymyr |
Probability Theory | Mathematics | Bachelor - 3 | Knopova Victoria |
Probability Theory | Statistics | Bachelor - 3 | Ianevych Tetiana |
Applied statistical methods of calculation | Statistics | Bachelor - 3 | Yamnenko Rostyslav |
Theory of random processes. Research Seminar on Stochastic Analysis | Mathematics | Bachelor - 4 | Knopova Victoria |
Actuarial Mathematics | Statistics | Bachelor - 4 | Yamnenko Rostyslav |
Wavelet analysis and its Statistical Applications. Stochastic Analysis | Statistics | Bachelor - 4 | Mishura Yuliya |
Computer statistics | Statistics | Bachelor - 4 | Bodnarchuk Iryna |
Advanced topics of Mathematical Statistics | Mathematics | Bachelor - 4 | Knopova Victoria |
Theory of random processes | Statistics | Bachelor - 4 | Mishura Yuliya |
Planning sample surveys | Statistics | Bachelor - 4 | Ianevych Tetiana |
Advanced topics of probability theory | Mathematics | Bachelor - 4 | Knopova Victoria |
Wavelet analysis and its Statistical Applications. Stochastic analysis | Statistics | Bachelor - 4 | Zhelezniak Hanna |
Probability Theory | Mathematics / Correspondence Department | Bachelor - 4 | Bodnarchuk Iryna |
Computer statistics | Statistics | Bachelor - 4 | Maiboroda Rostislav |
Regression analysis and asymptotical statistics | Statistics | Bachelor - 4 | Maiboroda Rostislav |
Mathematical Statistics with elements of stochastic processes | Mathematics / Correspondence Department | Bachelor - 5 | Shevchenko Georgiy |
Mathematical Statistics with elements of stochastic processes | Mathematics / Correspondence Department | Bachelor - 5 | Bodnarchuk Iryna |
Wavelet analysis | Mathematics / Correspondence Department | Bachelor - 5 | Yamnenko Rostyslav |
Computer statistics | Statistics | Master - 1 | Maiboroda Rostislav |
Computer Statistics | Mathematics | Master - 1 | Maiboroda Rostislav |
Statistical methods in non-life insurance | Mathematics / Correspondence Department | Master - 1 | Zubchenko Volodymyr |
Statistical methods in non-life insurance | Statistics | Master - 1 | Zubchenko Volodymyr |
Financial Mathematics | Statistics | Master - 1 | Mishura Yuliya |
Stochastic analysis | Statistics | Master - 1 | Knopova Victoria |
Survey sampling | Statistics | Master - 1 | Ianevych Tetiana |
Methods of teaching mathematics and statistics in higher education | Statistics | Master - 1 | Yamnenko Rostyslav |
Survey sampling | Statistics / Correspondence Department | Master - 1 | Ianevych Tetiana |
Mathematics of Finance | Mathematics | Master - 1 | Shevchenko Georgiy |
Statistics of Stochastic Processes | Statistics | Master - 1 | Mishura Yuliya |
Numerical methods of statistics | Statistics | Master - 1 | Dzeverin Igor |
Operation research | Mathematics | Master - 1 | Moklyachuk Mikhail |
Mathematical economics | Mathematics | Master - 1 | Borysenko Oleksandr |
Mathematics of Finance | Mathematics | Master - 1 | Ianevych Tetiana |
Nonconvex analysis and optimization | Statistics | Master - 1 | Moklyachuk Mikhail |
Nonparametric statistics | Statistics | Master - 1 | Maiboroda Rostislav |
Mathematical methods of macroeconomic theory and risk-management | Mathematics | Master - 1 | Zubchenko Volodymyr |
Survey sampling | Mathematics | Master - 1 | Ianevych Tetiana |
Mathematics ²I | Mathematics | Master - 1 | Borysenko Oleksandr |
Statistical methods in non-life insurance | Mathematics | Master - 1 | Zubchenko Volodymyr |
Models of survival | Mathematics / Correspondence Department | Master - 1 | Borysenko Oleksandr |
Models of survival | Mathematics | Master - 1 | Borysenko Oleksandr |
Mathematical methods of macroeconomic theory and risk-management | Mathematics / Correspondence Department | Master - 1 | Zubchenko Volodymyr |
Statistical methods in non-life insurance | Mathematics / Correspondence Department | Master - 1 | Zubchenko Volodymyr |
Mathematical economics | Statistics | Master - 1 | Borysenko Oleksandr |
Methods of teaching mathematics and statistics in higher education | Mathematics | Master - 2 | Yamnenko Rostyslav |
Random processes in finance and insurance | Mathematics / Correspondence Department | Master - 2 | Mishura Yuliya |
Financial analysis | Mathematics / Correspondence Department | Master - 2 | Golomozi Vitalii |
Statistical learning algorithms | Statistics | Master - 2 | Golomozi Vitalii |
Operation research | Mathematics | Master - 2 | Yamnenko Rostyslav |
Game Theory | Mathematics | Master - 2 | Moklyachuk Mikhail |
Nonparametric statistics | Mathematics | Master - 2 | Maiboroda Rostislav |
Scientific seminar in mathematical economics and econometrics | Mathematics | Master - 2 | Borysenko Oleksandr |
Simulation of random processes. Diffusion processes, Lévy | Mathematics | Master - 2 | Knopova Victoria |
Research Seminar on Statistics | Statistics | Master - 2 | Mishura Yuliya |
Nonlinear time series | Statistics | Master - 2 | Shklyar Sergiy |
Optimal stochastic control in actuarial mathematics | Mathematics / Correspondence Department | Master - 2 | Shevchenko Georgiy |
Wavelet analysis with statistical application | Statistics | Master - 2 | Yamnenko Rostyslav |
Statistical analysis of multidimensional data | Statistics | Master - 2 | Maiboroda Rostislav |
Markov processes in actuarial mathematics | Actuarial and Financial Mathematics | Master - 2 | |
Studies in statistics | Statistics | Ph.D. - 1 | Maiboroda Rostislav |
Asymptotic analysis of statistical algorithms perfomance | Statistics | Ph.D. - 2 | Maiboroda Rostislav |