Courses taught:
Course name | Speciality | Year of study | Numerical methods of statistics | Statistics | Master - 1 | | | |
Education:- Doctor of Sciences (Biol.), 2012, Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology, Kiev
- Candidate of Sciences (Biol.), 1995, Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology, Kiev
- Graduated from Shevchenko Kiev State University in 1989
Personal Data: Doctor of sci. in biology Areas of research and interest:- Statistical techniques in biology: Inferring evolutionary patterns and mechanisms from multivariate comparative data
Publications- Articles
2022- Мєнасова А., Попова Л., Дзеверін І. "Морфометрична характеристика представників роду Tirasiana з вендських відкладів Поділля". Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка. Геологія. , Vol.1(96), Iss. pp. 6 - 10, - 2022
- Popova L., Nezdolii Y., Syniavska I., Rekovets L., Krokhmal O., Mironchuk T., Dzeverin I. "Spatial and temporal patterns of species replacement in the Middle Pleistocene: а case study of Мicrotus nivaloides Major, 1902 and morphologically related species of the Northern Black Sea and Azov areas". Journal of Quaternary Science, Vol.37, Iss.7 pp. 1229 - 1245, - 2022
2021- Kuzmina T. A., Kuzmin Y., Dzeverin I., Lisitsyna O. I., Spraker T. R., Korol E. M., Kuchta R. "Review of metazoan parasites of the northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus) and the analysis of the gastrointestinal helminth community of the population on St. Paul Island, Alaska". Parasitology Research, Vol.120, Iss.1 pp. 117 - 132, - 2021
2020- Dzeverin I. "The skull integration pattern and internal constraints in Myotis myotis – Myotis blythii species group (Vespertilionidae, Chiroptera) might be shaped by natural selection during evolution along the genetic line of least resistance". Evolutionary Biology, Vol.47, Iss.1 pp. 18 - 42, - 2020
2017- Ghazali M., Moratelli R., Dzeverin I. "Ecomorph evolution in Myotis (Vespertilionidae, Chiroptera)". Journal of Mammalian Evolution, Vol.24, Iss.4 pp. 475 - 484, - 2017
2016- Kuzmina T. A., Dzeverin I., Kharchenko V. A. "Strongylids in domestic horses: Influence of horse age, breed and deworming programs on the strongyle parasite community". Veterinary Parasitology, Vol.227, Iss. pp. 56 - 63, - 2016
2013- Ghazali M., Dzeverin I. "Correlations between hardness of food and craniometric traits in nine Myotis species (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae)". Vestnik zoologii, Vol.47, Iss.1 pp. 73 - 82, - 2013
2012- Дзеверін І. І., Лашкова О. І. "Темпи дивергенції краніометричних ознак лісових мишей (Sylvaemus, Muridae, Rodentia) фауни України". Науковий вісник Ужгородського університету. Серія Біологія., pp. 131 - 134, - 2012
2010- Dzeverin I., Ghazali M. "Evolutionary mechanisms affecting the multivariate divergence in some Myotis species (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae)". Evolutionary Biology, Vol.37, Iss.2-3 pp. 100 - 112, - 2010
2008- Dzeverin I. "The stasis and possible patterns of selection in evolution of a group of related species from the bat genus Myotis (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae)". Journal of Mammalian Evolution, Vol.15, Iss.2 pp. 123 - 142, - 2008
2007- Dzeverin I. I. "The regressive trend of complex phenotypic structures in neutral evolution ". Vestnik zoologii, Vol.41, Iss.1 pp. 53 - 69, - 2007
2005- Дзеверин И. И., Лашкова Е. И. "Вклад гетерохронных трансформаций онтогенеза в формирование межвидовых различий лесных мышей, Sylvaemus (Rodentia)". Журнал общей биологии, Vol.66, Iss.3 pp. 258 - 272, - 2005
2000- Дзеверін І. І. "Еволюційна нестабільність складних фенотипних структур". Доповіді Національної академії наук України., pp. 188 - 192, - 2000
| First name: Igor Surname: Dzeverin Address: I.I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Vul. B. Khmelnytskogo, 15
Kyiv 01601
Ukraine E-mail: Current position: Head of the Evolutionary Morphology Department of the Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Account in scientometric databases: |