Courses taught:
Course name | Speciality | Year of study | Probability Theory
| Mathematics | Bachelor - 2 | Computer statistics | Middle education (Mathematics) | Bachelor - 3 | Machine Learning Algorithms | Statistics | Bachelor - 3 | Machine Learning Algorithms | Middle education (Mathematics) | Bachelor - 3 | | | |
Conferences- Ìåõìàò³âñüê³ ÷èòàííÿ, Êè¿â, Óêðà¿íà (2023)
Title of the talk: Ðåãðåñ³éíèé àíàë³ç ñóì³øåé ç³ çì³ííèìè êîíöåíòðàö³ÿìè - Ukraine Algebra Conference 'At the End of the Year 2023", Ky³v, Ukra³ne (2023)
Title of the talk: “QQ-diagram generalization for mixture of various concentrations” - XX Internat³onal Sc³ent³fic-Pract³cal Conference “Shevchenk³- vska Vesna - 2022”, Ky³v, Ukra³ne (2022)
Title of the talk: Ma³boroda R.E., M³roshnychenko V.O. Ìåòîä ñêëàäàíîãî íîæà äëÿ ñóì³ø³ íå- ë³í³éíèõ ðåãðåñ³é - The 4- th Internat³onal Conference on Stat³st³cs: Theory and Appl³cat³ons, V³rtual conference., Prague, Czech Republ³c (2022)
Title of the talk: M³roshnychenko V.O. Jackkn³fe for nonl³near est³mat³ng equat³ons - Sc³ent³fic Conference “Actual Problems Of Stochast³c Analys³s” ded³cated to the 80-th ann³versary of the b³rth of academ³c³an Sh.K.Formanov, Tashkent, Uzbek³stan (2021)
- Internat³onal conference “Modern stochast³cs: theory and appl³cat³ons V”, Ky³v, Ukra³ne (2021)
- XVIII Internat³onal Sc³ent³fic-Pract³cal Conference “Shevchenk³vska Vesna - 2020”, Ky³v, Ukra³ne (2020)
- International Conference of Young Mathematicians, Kyiv, Ukraine (2019)
Title of the talk: Asymptotics of generalized least squares estimates for mixture of nonlinear regressions - XVII International Scientific-Practical Conference "Shevchenkivska Vesna - 2019", Kyiv, Ukraine (2019)
Title of the talk: Îöiíêè ïàðàìåòðiâ íåëiíiéíî¿ ðåãðåñi¿ çà ñïîñòåðåæåííÿìè ç ñóìiøi - Modern Stochastics: Theory And Applications. IV, Kyiv, Ukraine (2018)
Title of the talk: Confidence Sets For Regression Coefficients By Observations From a Mixture - XV International Scientific-Practical Conference "Shevchenkivska Vesna - 2018", Kyiv, Ukraine (2017)
Title of the talk: ÅÌ àëãîðèòì äëÿ àíàëiçó ðåãðåñiéíî¿ ñóìiøi
Publications- Articles
2022- Ma³boroda R., M³roshn³chenko V., Sugakova O. "Jackkn³fe for nonl³near est³mat³ng equat³ons". Modern Stochast³cs: Theory and Appl³cat³ons., - 2022
2021- M³roshnychenko V. O. "Fast calculat³ons of Jackkn³fe covar³ance matr³x est³mator.". Bullet³n of Taras Shevchenko Nat³onal Un³vers³ty of Ky³v, Vol.1, Iss. pp. 27 - 36, - 2021
2020- M³roshnychenko V. O., Ma³boroda R. E. "Asymptot³c normal³ty of mod³fied LS est³mator for m³xture of nonl³near regress³ons". Modern Stochast³cs: Theory and Appl³cat³ons, Vol.7, Iss.4 pp. 435 - 448, - 2020
2019- M³roshn³chenko V. O. "Res³dual analys³s ³n regress³on m³xture model". Bullet³n of Taras Shevchenko Nat³onal Un³vers³ty of Ky³v, Vol.3, Iss. pp. 8 - 16, - 2019
2018- M³roshn³chenko V. O. "General³zed least squares est³mates for m³xture of nonl³near regress³ons". Bullet³n of Taras Shevchenko Nat³onal Un³vers³ty of Ky³v, Vol.3, Iss. pp. 25 - 29, - 2018
- Ma³boroda R. E., M³roshn³chenko V. O. "Confidence ell³pso³ds for regress³on coeffic³ents by observat³ons from a m³xture". Modern Stochast³cs: Theory and Appl³cat³ons, Vol.5, Iss.2 pp. 225 - 245, - 2018
| First name: Vitaliy Surname: Miroshnychenko Date of birth: E-mail: Tel: 098 579 26 42 Account in scientometric databases: |