Courses taught:
Course name | Speciality | Year of study | Probability Theory
| Mathematics | Bachelor - 2 | Computer statistics | Middle education (Mathematics) | Bachelor - 3 | Machine Learning Algorithms | Statistics | Bachelor - 3 | Machine Learning Algorithms | Middle education (Mathematics) | Bachelor - 3 | | | |
Conferences- Ìåõìàò³âñüê³ ÷èòàííÿ, Êè¿â, Óêðà¿íà (2023)
Title of the talk: Ðåãðåñ³éíèé àíàë³ç ñóì³øåé ç³ çì³ííèìè êîíöåíòðàö³ÿìè - Ukraine Algebra Conference 'At the End of the Year 2023", Ky³v, Ukra³ne (2023)
Title of the talk: “QQ-diagram generalization for mixture of various concentrations” - XX Internat³onal Sc³ent³fic-Pract³cal Conference “Shevchenk³- vska Vesna - 2022”, Ky³v, Ukra³ne (2022)
Title of the talk: Ma³boroda R.E., M³roshnychenko V.O. Ìåòîä ñêëàäàíîãî íîæà äëÿ ñóì³ø³ íå- ë³í³éíèõ ðåãðåñ³é - The 4- th Internat³onal Conference on Stat³st³cs: Theory and Appl³cat³ons, V³rtual conference., Prague, Czech Republ³c (2022)
Title of the talk: M³roshnychenko V.O. Jackkn³fe for nonl³near est³mat³ng equat³ons - Sc³ent³fic Conference “Actual Problems Of Stochast³c Analys³s” ded³cated to the 80-th ann³versary of the b³rth of academ³c³an Sh.K.Formanov, Tashkent, Uzbek³stan (2021)
- Internat³onal conference “Modern stochast³cs: theory and appl³cat³ons V”, Ky³v, Ukra³ne (2021)
- XVIII Internat³onal Sc³ent³fic-Pract³cal Conference “Shevchenk³vska Vesna - 2020”, Ky³v, Ukra³ne (2020)
- International Conference of Young Mathematicians, Kyiv, Ukraine (2019)
Title of the talk: Asymptotics of generalized least squares estimates for mixture of nonlinear regressions - XVII International Scientific-Practical Conference "Shevchenkivska Vesna - 2019", Kyiv, Ukraine (2019)
Title of the talk: Îöiíêè ïàðàìåòðiâ íåëiíiéíî¿ ðåãðåñi¿ çà ñïîñòåðåæåííÿìè ç ñóìiøi - Modern Stochastics: Theory And Applications. IV, Kyiv, Ukraine (2018)
Title of the talk: Confidence Sets For Regression Coefficients By Observations From a Mixture - XV International Scientific-Practical Conference "Shevchenkivska Vesna - 2018", Kyiv, Ukraine (2017)
Title of the talk: ÅÌ àëãîðèòì äëÿ àíàëiçó ðåãðåñiéíî¿ ñóìiøi
Publications- Articles
2025- Maiboroda R., Miroshnychenko V., Sugakova O. "Estimation of Concentrations Parameters in the Model of Mixture with Varying Concentrations". Austrian Journal of Statistics, Vol.54, Iss. pp. 1 - 15, - 2025
2024- Maiboroda R., Miroshnychenko V., Sugakova O. "Quantile estimators for regression errors in mixture models with varying concentrations". Bulletin Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Physics and Mathematics, Vol.1, Iss.78 pp. 45 - 50, - 2024
2022- Ma³boroda R., M³roshn³chenko V., Sugakova O. "Jackkn³fe for nonl³near est³mat³ng equat³ons". Modern Stochast³cs: Theory and Appl³cat³ons., - 2022
2021- M³roshnychenko V. O. "Fast calculat³ons of Jackkn³fe covar³ance matr³x est³mator.". Bullet³n of Taras Shevchenko Nat³onal Un³vers³ty of Ky³v, Vol.1, Iss. pp. 27 - 36, - 2021
2020- M³roshnychenko V. O., Ma³boroda R. E. "Asymptot³c normal³ty of mod³fied LS est³mator for m³xture of nonl³near regress³ons". Modern Stochast³cs: Theory and Appl³cat³ons, Vol.7, Iss.4 pp. 435 - 448, - 2020
2019- M³roshn³chenko V. O. "Res³dual analys³s ³n regress³on m³xture model". Bullet³n of Taras Shevchenko Nat³onal Un³vers³ty of Ky³v, Vol.3, Iss. pp. 8 - 16, - 2019
2018- M³roshn³chenko V. O. "General³zed least squares est³mates for m³xture of nonl³near regress³ons". Bullet³n of Taras Shevchenko Nat³onal Un³vers³ty of Ky³v, Vol.3, Iss. pp. 25 - 29, - 2018
- Ma³boroda R. E., M³roshn³chenko V. O. "Confidence ell³pso³ds for regress³on coeffic³ents by observat³ons from a m³xture". Modern Stochast³cs: Theory and Appl³cat³ons, Vol.5, Iss.2 pp. 225 - 245, - 2018
| First name: Vitaliy Surname: Miroshnychenko Date of birth: E-mail: Tel: 098 579 26 42 Account in scientometric databases: |