Proceedings of MSTA III
The Organizing Committee is pleased to inform that the Proceedings of the Conference will be published within three options for participants to choose.
The Springer journal "Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability" is planning the special issue "Recent Advances in Applied Stochastics", also a special issue of the Ukrainian journal "Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics" (published by Kyiv University and next by AMS) will be devoted to the conference. The papers should conform with the journal requirements and scope.
We will also prepare a separate Conference volume "Modern Stochastics with Applications" (the publisher for which will be announced later). The papers for the separate Conference volume will be proposed and selected by the Conference Sections Chairs basing on the talks presented at the conference. Selection of papers for the journals issues will be performed by Organizing Committee and Journals Editors.
When preparing the papers please follow the instructions for authors in the corresponding edition. All papers will be peer reviewed according to the corresponding journals policies. Papers, which do not meet the requirements or written not correctly in English, will be rejected without consideration.