
Invited lectures

The invited lectures will have an educational approach and give the participants important knowledge in survey statistics.

Invited speakers have no restrictions on the mode of presentation but should submit an abstract to before June 7. The abstract will be made available on the website in June and published in a book given to the participants upon arrival. If an invited speaker wants to publish a paper or slides in the book please contact

Contributed papers

The author of a contributed paper will have 15 minutes for the presentation, to be followed by 10 minutes for discussion. The presentation should focus on the highlights of the paper, so that everyone will understand the main features and be able to follow or participate in the subsequent discussion. It will normally summarise the aim of the research, the methodology used and some of the results obtained. It will sometimes point out some open questions that are suitable for discussion.

Be sure that your presentation on the screen is clearly visible to everyone in the audience. Use large letters and a large line separation. The point size should be 16-18, and the number of lines per slide or transparency should be at most 15 in standing format. Be aware that colours on your computer may look differently on a screen.

Invited discussants

We shall invite one or two participants to be discussant(s) on each contributed paper.

  • The discussant will normally come from another country than the author and bring fresh ideas from other experiences and perspectives.
  • The discussion will be prepared on the basis of the written contributed paper but can also deal with other aspects of the topic.
  • Discussants may mention how closely they are related to the topic in their studies, research or applications.
  • The discussant should give comments on the paper and its presentation and may include a short summary of the topic from some other perspective than the author's. The comments can deal with the aim, methods, results, conclusions, application areas, unclear parts, and any other aspects.
  • If the discussant puts forward some specific questions to the author, these questions should be given to the author of the paper at least a day before. The author should not reply to them in the presentation.
  • The total discussion time for each contributed paper is 10 minutes, including discussion from the audience.


Slide projector, multimedia projector, notebook computer.

Wi-Fi Internet access using prepaid cards is available at the Prolisok Recreation Center.