Scientific programme

Opening session

Series of invited lectures

Imbi Traat, University of Tartu , Estonia
Overview of the state-of-the-art of survey sampling (4 lectures). Abstract

Susanne Rassler, University of Bamberg , Germany
The analysis of survey data with non-response (4 lectures). Abstract

Literature recommended to be read in advance of the lectures:
Rässler, S., Rubin, D.B., Zell, E.R. (2008). Incomplete Data in Epidemiology and Medical Statistics, Handbook of Statistics 27: Epidemiology and Medical Statistics, Rao, C.R., Miller, J.P., Rao, D.C. (eds.) Elsiver, 569-601.

Special invited lectures

Contributed papers

A large part of the scientific programme is devoted to reports by participants on their current research or applications in survey statistics, to be followed by discussion.

All participants are invited to present a contributed paper in English. The paper should be 4-8 pages in length and prepared with the Word template or the LaTex template. It should be submitted to before June 7, 2009 .

The book with contributed papers will be given to the participants upon arrival.

For each contributed paper we shall invite one or two participants to be discussant.

Submitted papers


Round-table discussions

The programme will contain a session with round-table discussions on some important topics in survey statistics. Each participant can choose one of the topics. Possible topics are

  • Estimation for domains and small areas
  • Analysis of survey data with non-response
  • Teaching of survey sampling theory and methodology
  • Survey sampling methodology in official statistics