Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics
Aggregation of network traffic and anisotropic scaling of random fields
Remigijus Leipus, Vytautė Pilipauskaitė and Donatas Surgailis
Abstract: We discuss joint spatial-temporal scaling limits of sums Aλ,γ (indexed by (x,y)∈R+2) of large number O(λγ) of independent copies of integrated input process X={X(t), t∈R} at time scale λ, for any given γ>0. We consider two classes of inputs X: (I) Poisson shot-noise with (random) pulse process, and (II) regenerative process with random pulse process and regeneration times following a heavy-tailed stationary renewal process. The above classes include several queueing and network traffic models for which joint spatial-temporal limits were previously discussed in the literature. In both cases (I) and (II) we find simple conditions on the input process in order that the normalized random fields Aλ,γ tend to an α-stable Lévy sheet (1<α<2) if γ<γ0, and to a fractional Brownian sheet if γ>γ0, for some γ0>0. We also prove an ‘intermediate’ limit for γ=γ0. Our results extend the previous works of R. Gaigalas and I. Kaj [Bernoulli 9 (2003), no. 4, 671–703] and T. Mikosch, S. Resnick, H. Rootzén and A. Stegeman [Ann. Appl. Probab. 12 (2002), no. 1, 23–68] and other papers to more general and new input processes.
Keywords: Heavy tails, long-range dependence, self-similarity, shot-noise process, regenerative process, superimposed network traffic, joint spatial-temporal limits, anisotropic scaling of random fields, scaling transition, intermediate limit, Telecom process, stable Lévy sheet, fractional Brownian sheet, renewal process, large deviations, ON/OFF process, M/G/∞ queue, M/G/1/0 queue, M/G/1/∞ queue
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