Volume 98
Y. Mishura, L. Sakhno, G. Shevchenko
Editorial (PDF), 5-7
V. V. Anh, N. N. Leonenko
Fractional Stokes-Boussinesq-Langevin equation and Mittag-Leffler correlation decay (PDF), 8-28
A. Ayache, Y. Esmili
Wavelet analysis of a multifractional process in an arbitrary Wiener chaos (PDF), 29-50
E. Azmoodeh, D. Gasbarra
On a new Sheffer class of polynomials related to normal product distribution (PDF), 51-69
I. M. Bodnarchuk, V. M. Radchenko
Wave equation in a plane driven by a general stochastic measure (PDF), 70-86 (Ukrainian)
K. V. Buchak, L. M. Sakhno
On the governing equations for Poisson and Skellam processes time-changed by inverse subordinators (PDF), 87-99
R. Gorenflo, F. Mainardi
The Mittag-Leffler function in the thinning theory for renewal processes (PDF), 100-108
Y. Hu
Schrodinger equation with Gaussian potential (PDF), 109-120
Yu. Luchko
Subordination principles for the multi-dimensional space-time-fractional diffusion-wave equation (PDF), 121-141
Yu. Mishura, K. Ralchenko, G. Shevchenko
Existence and uniqueness of mild solution to stochastic heat equation with white and fractional noises (PDF), 142-162
L. I. Rusaniuk, G. M. Shevchenko
Equation for vibrations of a string with fixed ends, forced by a stable random noise (PDF), 163-172 (Ukrainian)
M. Slaoui, C. A. Tudor
Limit behavior of the Rosenblatt Ornstein--Uhlenbeck process with respect to the Hurst index (PDF), 173-187
T. Sottinen, L. Viitasaari
Transfer Principle for MakeLowercase n-th order Fractional Brownian Motion with Applications to Prediction and Equivalence in Law (PDF), 188-204
V. S. Koroliuk, I. V. Samoilenko
Estimation of the remainder in asymptotic expansion of a functional of semi-Markov random evolution (PDF), 205-214 (Ukrainian)
M. Sreehari
Order of approximation in the central limit theorem for associated random variables and a moderate deviation result (PDF), 215-227
M. V. Kartashov, V. V. Golomoziy
Inequalities for a risk function in the time and space inhomogeneous Cramer-Lundberg risk model (PDF), 228-238 (Ukrainian)
Mykola Valentynovych Kartashov (18.10.1952 - 1.01.2018) (PDF), 239-239 (Ukrainian)